Planned Giving
Making an estate gift to the Center for Chronic Illness is a meaningful way to carry forward your compassion for those experiencing ongoing health challenges and extend your commitment to providing support for future generations.
Many experience health challenges during their lives and for some these experiences are chronic. Chances are, you knew someone during your life impacted by chronic illness or perhaps you yourself lived with ongoing health challenges. Giving back through making an estate gift is a wonderful way to contribute to future generations experiencing similar struggles and to ensure that no one living with chronic illness is on their journey alone.
If you are considering leaving a bequest to the Center for Chronic Illness, or would like to inform us of an existing bequest, please contact Allison Fine, Executive Director by email at executivedirector@thecenterforchronicillness.org or by phone at 425-296-2705. We will be happy to work with you or your advisor to ensure your gift is received and used as intended.
Our legal name: The Center for Chronic Illness
Tax identification number: 81-2183510
Address: P.O. Box 31193, Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: 425-296-2705
Please click on the button below to download our Center for Chronic Illness Notification of Inclusion in Estate Plan form.