Health Education Programs
Upcoming Programs
Telehealth Physical Therapy
for Chronic Illness
When: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 from 4-5pm PST / 7-8pm EST​
Where: This workshop will be held virtually on Zoom (you will receive the link the day before)
Event description:
Wondering how telehealth physical therapy might help you? Join us for a webinar with Washington state’s Tim Pazier, PT, to learn how engaging in physical therapy over telehealth could help support your journey with chronic illness
Presenter: Tim Pazier, PT
Tim is a physical therapist in Washington state with a Master of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Puget Sound. He is an APTA Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist (GCS), and APTA Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult (CEEAA), an APTA/Herdman Vestibular Certificate of Competency, a Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance healthcare and community instructor, and PWR! (Parkinson's Wellness Recovery) Certified Therapist.
Contact us at info@thecenterforchronicillness.org or via the Contact page of our website to register.
Past Programs
Advanced Care Planning for Major Medical Care -
Speaker: Richard Stuart, DSW, ABBP - April 15, 2023 and November14, 2024
Chronic Illness and Insurance:
How to Navigate the Challenges -
Speakers: Stacy Monahan Tucker and Elizabeth Green attorneys at Kantor & Kantor - July 21, 2022
Impact of Mental Health on Chronic Illness & Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Speakers: Kerry Heckman, MSW, LICSW & Natalie Hopkins, MSW - Saturday, April 10, 2021.
Chronic Illness & You: LGBTQ! - panel discussion and resource event for those who identify as LGBTQ+ and live with chronic illness - September 22, 2018
Working with Chronic Illness: Success when Facing Health Challenges in the World of Work - a comprehensive presentation considering employment and chronic illness - June 17, 2017
Living with Chronic Illness: Coping Tools for Stress, Depression, and Anxiety - a look at the emotional impact of living with ongoing illness -
April 8, 2017
Please view our Resources page to view the PowerPoints, handouts, and recordings from these events.